Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Never Met Her - Official Update 4.6.2010

*EDIT UPDATE 3:30PM Friday, April 9th 2010*

Moses Haughton JR and John Lofton IV will be meeting tonight at 7:30 to thoroughly discuss the next course of action that will be taken for the 'Never Met Her' music video.

I will post an update after the meeting to let everyone know exactly what the next steps will be.


Greetings Everyone,

I wish I could say this is a positive update and that I have a sneak preview, Demo or 'Directors Cut' to share with the world. Unfortunately; that is not the case.

As you may or may not know by now, Moses Haughton JR's long awaited , "Never Met Her" music video has been undergoing some complications since October, 2009.

As the Director for the video, I feel it is my duty to give everyone involved in the production process an official, public update as to the status and potential future of the video, since Moses Haughton JR. has refused to do so.

As of today, Tuesday April 6th 2010, Moses Haughton JR. has accrued a considerable amount of long overdue, unpaid invoices relating to the 'Never Met Her' music video. These unpaid invoices apply to the cast, crew and rental houses associated with the video.

After several months and several attempts to get Moses Haughton JR to incrementally reduce the outstanding balance for his video, so we can resume filming and complete the remaining 10% of production, it has come to the point where I can no longer wait to see the results.

I have e-mailed Moses Haughton JR an official request to take the following action by Friday, April 9th, 2010 at 5pm:

I have requested that Moses Haughton JR. creates and signs an incremental payment plan for all remaining, unpaid invoices associated with the 'Never Met Her' music video, with a maximum payment deadline of December 31st, 2010.

If he fails to show evidence that he has created the payment plan by the deadline mentioned above, I will be forced to take legal action against him in an attempt to recover the losses suffered by those who helped him by working on his music video and have not yet been paid.

Please join me by telling Moses Haughton JR. himself what you think. Below is his list of publicly available contact information:

Myspace Blog

Facebook Page

Facebook Fan Page

Wordpress Blog

Twitter Account

I am truly sorry that the course of events has led us to this particular outcome and hope to be able to release a Demo version of the video sometime in the near future.

However; until Moses Haughton JR has paid off the overdue invoices I can not publicly release a copy of the video, due to legal reasons.

I will be posting another update on Friday, April 9th 2010 after 5pm, detailing the next course of action.

I am truly thankful of everyone who has participated in the production of this music video experience so far, and hope to be a major part in helping resolve all financial issues associated with it.

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