Saturday, April 10, 2010

Never Met Her - Official Update 4.10.2010

*The meeting has been temporarily delayed. I will update the blog again as to when the official documents have been signed and the payment schedules have been prepared to be mailed out with corresponding e-mails.* 4.20.2010

Greetings Everybody,

Moses Haughton JR, Moses Haughton SR and John Lofton IV have arrived at a compromise agreement for the Never Met Her music video's outstanding invoices for cast, crew & rental companies.

We will be mailing (and e-mailing) out individual payment schedules next week detailing the exact amount to be paid and the dates you will all receive payment. For each payment you receive, there will be a document enclosed stating the remaining balances for each account.

I will update the blog once the official documents have been signed, which should take place no later than Friday, April 16th 2010.

In the mean time, LoftonFilms and Moses Haughton JR & Co. will be in constant communication regarding the remaining shoot days for the Never Met Her music video.

We will be sending out an official e-mail to all Cast & Crew involved in the project by the end of next week detailing the next steps for the completion of the Never Met Her music video.

It's been a bumpy ride, but it looks like things can only get better from this point!


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