Monday, October 12, 2009

"Never Met Her" Music Video - 90%

Production for Moses Haughton JR's , "Never Met Her" music video is nearing an end! With only a couple more critical scenes and a few pick-up shots left to film, I can confidently say we are at 90% completion!

It's been a busy past few months, from the Pre-Production & Planning all the way up to the actual shoot days. Since we are nearing completion of the Production stage, I thought it might be nice to upload some Behind The Scenes photos for everyone to share and enjoy.

The majority of these photos were taken by Elizabeth Gunter. Thanks, Liz!

Here is a link to the Flickr Photostream containing the majority of the Behind The Scenes Photos.

More Updates To Come Soon!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spotted on Google Maps © !

I remember it like it was yesterday...

Early August... it was Monday, I think. It was a beautiful day outside. There I was in downtown Silver Spring walking back from the County Parking Permit office to my car. A strange shape in the distance caught my eye...

"What is that strange object?" I thought to myself as it grew closer.

Once it got to a certain point, it became immediately apparent; A GOOGLE MAPS CAR!

It started driving near me... I kept my cool... "Wait for it... wait for it..." I thought to myself...

And then, in a moment's notice, I sprang into action!

Check out the Google Street View link to see the whole progression...

John Walking Back To His Car

And remember, if you see a Google Streetview Car... make sure to Bust-A-Move or Strike-A-Pose!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"Never Met Her" - Sneak Preview!

Progress is being made every day on the Moses Haughton JR. , "Never Met Her" music video. Today I captured some of the footage from the shoots and decided I would give you all a sneak preview!

Here are a few still frames to get you started...

[Click On Image To View Full Size Version]

Moses Back In High School! I remember the day...

Patrice Harris - AKA Lead Role #1 - Moses Ex Girlfriend "Gold Digger"

Matt Gulbranson - The World's Best Teacher

And they lived happily ever after.... Or Did They?

More sneak previews headed your way soon!

Until next time...

Friday, September 18, 2009

"Never Met Her" - Concert Scene This Sunday!

This Sunday, September 20th, Moses Haughton JR. and the Lofton Films crew will be shooting the big concert scene at Old Town Theater in Alexandria, VA.

815 King St 1/2
Alexandria, VA 22314

We are asking extras to show up around 12 NOON.

If you are interested in being an extra, make sure you bring clothes that have no LARGE, CLEARLY VISIBLE, POPULAR CLOTHING BRAND LOGOS.

When you arrive, you will be asked to sign a Model Release form for your participation in the video.

Moses Haughton JR and Joe Thursday will be performing a live performance of the song, "Never Met Her". Come one, come all, help us make this scene HUGE!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Successful Weekend Music Video Shoot!

This weekend Lofton Films, in partnership with Yene Fiker Publishing (Moses Haughton's Company) had a 2-day shoot at Laurel Senior High School.

First off, I want to say a huge "THANK YOU" to all my friends, family, and Moses' friends who showed up to give their support in shooting this weekend; 1st A.D. Navid Wlotzka, Mark Cooper, Andrew Breeden, Erik Miller, Ammad Khan, my brothers Matthew & Calvin Lofton, my father John Lofton III, Moses Haughton SR. ,Renita Haughton. I also want to give another huge "THANK YOU" to our 2 Key Grips - Alan Hervey & Jeff Callow; you guys did an amazing job! Roger Riggles and his assistant Crystal Sovoroski did an amazing job keeping those faces pretty with their expansive make up kits.

Also, Special Thanks to RaffertyWeiss Media in Silver Spring for use of their facilities for the Casting Call! And a Special Thanks to Drew Barrow & Seth Mohlman for the use of their Indy Dolly & Jib Setup. You guys rock!

Through it's ups and downs, the shoot this weekend was an overall success!

Also, this weekends shoot is dedicated to Rebekah Pettit, daughter of our choreographer - Grace Kaye. Rebekah was in a severe car accident Saturday night and is currently in stable condition recovering from a broken clavicle and puffer knees. Grace Kay did a great job preparing the cheerleaders for the shoot and even though she was unable to attend the shoot her work showed through in the end! Thanks again, Grace and remember Rebekah is in our thoughts and prayers as she recovers.

Now to the details of the shoot; Saturday we shot all the VERSE 1 INTERIORS and some of the CHORUS BAND footage. Sunday we shot all the VERSE 1 & INTRO EXTERIORS and some CHORUS BAND footage on the field.

This was the first shoot I have ever been privileged enough to work with a piece of equipment I have literally been salivating over for the past...well I don't even know how long! That piece of equipment; the Letus Ultimate 35mm Adapter. Two words; Freaking Amazing. We had a 24mm , 35mm, 50mm & 85mm Nikon Lens kit we rented from Visual Edge Productions in Bethesda, MD. Many thanks to Chris Cardno for giving a detailed tutorial on the Letus before letting us leave with it!

When paired up with my Canon XH A1, in combination with the Nikon Prime Lens (AI) kit I rented, the resulting footage is literally breathtaking. I'll try to upload some still-frames as soon as possible so you can all see exactly what I mean.

Another shout out I would like to make is to our ACTORS - You all did a TERRIFIC job this weekend. I know I kept saying , "That's perfect, now let's do it again!" several times, but when I said 'That's perfect' , I meant it! After reviewing the footage, everyone looks great and I believe you will all be thoroughly pleased with the results.

Special Thanks to Mr. Dwayne Jones, Principal of Laurel High School in Laurel, MD for allowing us free reign of his school for a couple of days. And of course, Carlton Lomax, the building supervisor. You literally 'opened doors' for this production!

More Updates To Come Soon!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Casting Call This Saturday, August 29th!

This Saturday, August 29th, Lofton Films will be hosting a casting call for the Moses Haughton Jr. , "Never Met Her" music video!

Here's what we're looking for:

Female (x3) ages 18-25 - Lead Roles - Moses' Ex

Female (x12) ages 18-25 - Cheerleader

Female (x1) ages 25-45 - Cheer Coach

Female (x1-2) ages 30-50 - Lunch Lady

Male (x1) ages 30-45 - Teacher

Male (x1) ages 20-30 - Waiter

Male (x2) ages 20-35 - Bodyguard (Body Builder Type)

Male or Female (x1) - ages 25-45 - Chauffeur

Male or Female (x35-50) - EXTRAS

If you're interested, please come to the Casting Call location between 11am - 6pm.

It is going to be held at:

1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 501

Silver Spring, MD 20910

Dress Casual!


In other news, we are working on securing the locations for our shoot. Here's what we have in mind so far...

More updates coming soon!

Monday, August 17, 2009

'Never Met Her' - Sneak Peek 1

Today we will give you a small, sneak peek into the creative idea behind 'Never Met Her'.

Needless to say, this video is going to employ some revolutionary camera / editing techniques which we hope will wow and entertain fans and all viewers alike.

Here it is, Rough Storyboard #1:

Saturday, August 15, 2009

And The Ball Keeps On Rolling

The 'Never Met Her' Music Video is progressing right on schedule.

This weekend Moses, Navid Wlotzka (1st AD) and myself will be location scouting in the D.C. Metropolitan / Baltimore area for some cool locations for the video! It's gonna be a good time.

If anyone has any connections for a CONCERT VENUE, RESTAURANT (with outdoor patio) or a SPORTS PLAYING FIELD with BLEACHERS, please contact us via the e-mail form or directly at

We have officially announced the Casting Call - Check out the page for regular updates and information regarding the casting call. It is going to take place August 29th, 2009.

Also, feel free to call the Casting Call Hotline @ 301-565-4754

More updates to come soon!


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

New Music Video In The Works

Starting about a month ago, my old friend Moses Haughton Jr. and I have been collaborating on his next, big music video. It will be for his new, hit single , "Never Met Her" featuring Joe Thursday.

So far we have been working hard on the Creative Treatment and it's looking good!

You can hear the single, "Never Met Her" on Moses Haughton Jr. , AKA 'Moses' iMeem:

Also, feel free to check out his blog:

More updates to come soon!


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Shooting On A White Limbo Background

Shooting a video for TV and WEB can expand your production necessities.

For example, a video for web is usually shot in a progressive format. Video for Broadcast TV is generally shot in an interlaced format. I won't get into the specifics about the difference between both formats, but to summarize; Each frame of progressive video is a complete image, whereas each frame of interlaced video holds 'field information' for two fields (Upper & Lower). Here are a couple wikipedia links:

So, today we shot a marketing video using the Panasonic HDX900 in 720p24 format.

This means the video was shot at a resolution of 1280x720 (a form of HD) at a progressive-scan frame rate of 24 fps (frames-per-second).

We will be editing it down to a 720x480 Flash Video (FLV, YouTube style) for the client's website before the end of August.

It was a great shoot with a great crew! Since I haven't told them all about the new blog, I won't go into names just yet, but I will say everyone is a true professional.

I have attached some pictures from the shoot for your viewing pleasure.

More to come later!


Welcome to Beyond The Scene

Hello and welcome to the first official post for, 'Beyond The Scene' !

Ever since buying my new Nokia e71x, I've been downloading all sorts of apps, games and other cool programs.

Usually I pick utilitarian apps, or anything that I think will truly be used productively.

Having realized I can create blogs 'on-the-go', I immediately took action.

And now, here we are!

Let's hope the posts to this blog will both informative and educational!

Lights, camera, action!