Here's what we're looking for:
Female (x3) ages 18-25 - Lead Roles - Moses' Ex
Female (x12) ages 18-25 - Cheerleader
Female (x1) ages 25-45 - Cheer Coach
Female (x1-2) ages 30-50 - Lunch Lady
Male (x1) ages 30-45 - Teacher
Male (x1) ages 20-30 - Waiter
Male (x2) ages 20-35 - Bodyguard (Body Builder Type)
Male or Female (x1) - ages 25-45 - Chauffeur
Male or Female (x35-50) - EXTRAS
If you're interested, please come to the Casting Call location between 11am - 6pm.
It is going to be held at:
1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 501
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Dress Casual!
In other news, we are working on securing the locations for our shoot. Here's what we have in mind so far...
More updates coming soon!