Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Never Met Her - Official Update 5.11.2010

Greetings All,

On April 9th, 2010, Moses Haughton SR (the artist, Moses Haughton JR's father & investor) signed the Rough Compromise Agreement at his body shop in Clinton, Maryland. This Rough Compromise Agreement laid out a simple, 8-month payment plan in which all remaining, overdue invoices associated with the "Never Met Her" music video were to be settled.

This Rough Compromise Agreement was then fine-tuned for specific monthly payments. These monthly payments would have lasted until December, 2010 for the majority of the overdue invoices.

After nearly a month of attempting to coordinate a meeting with Moses Haughton SR & JR to get them to sign the Final Agreement, I finally had to drive to them at Mo's Auto Body on Friday, May 7th, 2010.

Even though Moses Haughton SR signed the Rough Agreement, and Moses Haughton JR. verbally agreed to the compromise (See YouTube video link below), for some reason they both refused to sign the Final Agreement and told me they had no intentions of finishing the music video. This was completely unexpected and quite upsetting..

Moses Haughton telling his fans about the compromise on April 9th, 2010

I'm sure this news is just as much a surprise to you as it was to me. Rest assured, however, that I am taking every step necessary to pursue legal action at this point.

There will be no more meetings, no more compromises. I am taking Moses Haughton JR & SR to court and suing them for the remaining, overdue invoice balances as well as punitive damages.

I will continue to provide everyone in this e-mail chain with important updates and information regarding this ongoing situation. I may be asking certain members for information that may be pertinent to this case.

For now, all I ask for is your continued patience and understanding in this matter. It's been a long road for what was supposed to be a 2-3 month music video production and I'm sure that, like me, you all want to see this matter resolved as quickly as possible.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

'Never Met Her' Small Update 5.6.2010

I will meeting with Moses Haughton SR tomorrow morning so he can sign the Official Payment Schedules and agreements.

I will be e-mailing all payment schedules out today and tomorrow, as well as mailing signed, hard copies.

I appreciate everyone's patience and understanding in this matter. Once everything is resolved I will be able to release a DEMO of the 'Never Met Her' video to the public!