Saturday, August 4, 2012


Renegade Records - Young Neek

LoftonFilms partnered with Renegade Records last month and began work on their first video together for artist Young Neek.  The song is called "Guappin" and is from Young Neek's album "All Hail The King".

The video Rough Cut has been completed, with the Final Cut coming soon!  Here's a sneak peek screenshot of the video editing timeline in Final Cut Pro as well as a still-frame from the video.

Full Video Coming Soon

Thursday, May 17, 2012

DC 48 Hour Film Festival - The Beginning

This year the 48 Hour Film Project enlisted filmmakers from over 100 cities across the world - from Brisbane and Melbourne all the way to our own Washington D.C. About 4 months ago I had the pleasure of meeting up with Peter Calafiura, a Washingtonian like myself who was interested in producing a short film for the 48 hour film project.

We spoke about our previous work, I showed him my portfolio and we agreed to talk soon about the project. A month or so later I received news from Peter that he had begun to assemble the crew and find some locations and that he wanted me on board as Director & Editor!

Fast forward 2 months and we were there! The Washington D.C. portion of the 48 hour film project was slated to begin Friday, May 4th at 7pm.

Peter attended the opening ceremony where each of the 96 participating teams selected a GENRE from a hat! Peter selected our genre; Dark Comedy. After the initial meet & greet between crew & actors alike, we received the text from Peter letting us know about the selected genre. It was time to get to work!

We also received a few other required elements for our story: A Character (Denny or Denise Murray, a Recruiter). A prop (Keys) & a specific line of dialogue, "I have just one question..."
Over the course of the next 2-3 hours we brainstormed in writing our plot! We started by researching popular dark comedies and writing them up on the supplied easel and drafting paper.
Writing a short story is hard. Writing a Dark Comedy is even harder.. Writing a short Dark Comedy that needs to be filmed, edited and delivered within 48 hours is, in a word, difficult!.
Most of the cast and crew were present during the initial brainstorming session, which lasted approximately 2.5 hours. Using a medium sized, diverse group of people for bouncing off initial ideas is a great way to determine whether or not your idea can cater to an audience. Our brainstorm session heard many great ideas, some not-so-great ones (usually by myself just thinking way outside the box) and finally a winning idea!

Once we had our rough rough outline for our desired storyline we decided to take advantage of the night and shoot some night scenes with Jeff Soukup, our talented main Actor, who is also a very talented musician!
After a couple hours we stopped filming and decided to split off into the 'core' group of writers for the film; Peter, Chris and myself.
By our outline was complete, and at that time we left it up to the capable hands of our official screenplay writer Chris Young. Chris stayed up till 6am writing our official screenplay! Peter and I were able to get a few hours of sleep while the rest of the crew was told to come back around 8am, prepared for a day full of shooting.
Phase 1 had been completed. Our screenplay was complete and the actors / actresses / and crew had assembled together for a day that was sure to be frenetically fast paced and full of fun... PRODUCTION for our 48 Hour Film Project had just begun... and thankfully I made sure to stop by 7-11 on the way to the location to grab that coffee, because I was surely going to need as much energy as possible!

NEXT UP: Production - Shooting a 4-7 minute short film in less than 24 hours

Sunday, January 22, 2012

News For The Planet

A few days ago I was contacted by News For The Planet who expressed an interest in interviewing me for their fledgling News & Comment Blog.

News For The Planet is an up and coming News & Blog website featuring stories about Filmmakers, Celebrity News, TV Episode Recap & Discussions, as well as articles on Personal Finance, The Workplace, Food, Lifestyles, Fashion and Politics.

Here's a direct link to my interview: John D. Lofton IV interviewed on News For The Planet

Check it out!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Iron Bow Videoconferencing Shoot

Wednesday & Thursday, June 22nd - 23rd, RaffertyWeiss Media set out to produce an informational marketing / testimonial video for Iron Bow, a telecommunications / videoconferencing company based out of Upper Marlboro, MD.

John Lofton IV, Associate Producer at RaffertyWeiss Media, acted as the D.I.T. (Digital Imaging Technician) on set and helped with footage acquisition, transfer, transcoding and audio ripping for transcriber.

This was a very fun shoot to be a part of for many reasons. First of all, given that it is summer, we were indoors! That was a huge plus. Second, we got to mess around with the videoconferencing hardware and talk to people across the country.

In fact, Chris Weiss, partner at RaffertyWeiss Media, conducted an interview with someone in another state using the Iron Bow videoconferencing technology. Iron Bow partners with Cisco.

Finally - we were fortunate enough to work with a fine crew. Tom Inskeep (Director of Photography), Josh Spring & Tomo Sasaki (Grip & Lighting), Art Jaso (AJ Audio). It's always enjoyable when you are able to work with a group of pros who also have great personalities!

The Iron Bow video will most likely be available for viewing on the RaffertyWeiss Media website within the next month or so.

JDL4 Out - Videoconference style.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

National Disaster Training Exercise

[Edit 1345 EST: VNN Crew Indiana - From left to right; Chris Green, John Lofton IV, Gary Geboy, Teresa Bruce, Matt Markovich, Chris Doud]

During the week of May 16th - 19th, a national disaster training exercise is being conducted across the U.S. midwest.

All levels of state, local and federal governments are involved in the training exercise in an effort to be better prepared for when a real disaster does strike.

Real World Media is covering the faux earthquake disaster, and all levels of government, including the White House, are tuning in to the "Virtual News Network" (VNN) to see the latest updates.

My role in the exercise is small, but crucial, for the spread of information throughout the exercise's own, dedicated news network known as , "VNN" (Virtual News Network).

VNN supplies crews, consisting of camera / reporter / editors, across the affected states to film, edit and broadcast stories to VNN live, which broadcasts a half-hour news update every hour, on the hour, from 9am to 5pm, throughout the course of the entire exercise.

My specific role is that of the 'Mobile Editor'. Using my new MacBook Pro (which is quite amazing, I might add) I must quickly ingest the footage, transcode it to the broadcast spec, edit together a story with appropriate broadcast slates and information, and then upload it to the VNN network FTP, followed by confirmation e-mails between the VNN producer and myself.

The coolest part of my role, in my opinion, is seeing the stories that we have put together broadcast over the VNN network with proper titling and graphics added. I never thought I would be a part of a NEWS broadcast environment, but now that I have been given the chance I must say there is a certain thrill in having 20 minute deadlines, the clock ticking faster than usual and expectations at a new high. It's much different than my current role as an Associate Producer at RaffertyWeiss Media, where I may have weeks or months to meet a video deadline. However, in all fairness, I do juggle multiple projects at once at RaffertyWeiss, as opposed to focusing on one story, so each job has it's own difficulties and challenges. I still remain confident in my resolve that I do, in fact, work better under pressure.

All that being said, it's been a wonderful experience working as the Mobile Editor for VNN these past few days. The exhilaration of the fast paced news environment is a refreshing challenge and I must say the crew I'm working with are a dedicated and talented group. Once the exercise is completed I will share more details as well as a photo of my VNN News Co-Workers.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

West Mob Entertainment - Music Video #1

February 5th, 2011, LoftonFilms' own John D. Lofton IV embarked to NE Washington D.C. to direct West Mob Entertainment's latest artist performance / music video titled, "DaCapo Fro Beat 2011".

The shoot took place at Twelve Restaurant & Lounge located at 1123 H St NE, Washington D.C., DC 20002.

It was a long day and everyone in the crew worked very hard! John called , "That's a wrap!" at exactly 2:35am!

Two months and several edit sessions later the video is completed. Below is an HD YouTube link where you can watch the brand-new video on West Mob Entertainment's YouTube channel:

Click Here To Watch On YouTube

Artist: DaCapo
Song: Fro Beat
Album: Where I'm From
Director: John D. Lofton IV
Label: West Mob Entertainment

- - - Special Thanks to the Cast & Crew - - -

Director -- John D. Lofton IV
D.P. -- Michelle Farrell
1st AD -- Lisa Clark
1st AC -- Rachel Dunn
Gaffer -- Nate Spivey
Key Grip -- Jason M. Koch
Grip -- Andrew Mangum
Grip -- John Jack Dorsey

Photography courtesy of Tony Mobley, TMO Photography. All rights reserved.

Information regarding air-times for major networks to come in the following posts. Stay tuned!